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The Council’s free RADAR card is now available for distribution! The RADAR card was created by members of law enforcement for members of law enforcement. The information provided on the RADAR card was carefully selected specifically to help support the important work of law enforcement throughout the state. The intention is that every law enforcement officer in Maine will have a copy of the RADAR card to help them in their day-to-day work. The RADAR card is meant to accompany the information provided in the elder abuse training conducted during the 2014 Chief’s Road Show and the 2014 MCJA mandatory training on elder abuse and financial exploitation found on the JPMA website.

The RADAR card was created through the collaborative efforts of the Maine State Police, the Maine Sheriff’s Association, the Maine Department of Health and Human Services Office of Aging and Disability Services and Adult Protective Services, the Maine Office of Securities, the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Legal Services for Maine Elders, the Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging, and with the support of all MCEAP members. These partners developed the RADAR card in an effort to increase identification of elder abuse and financial exploitation and raise awareness of the various resources available to help older adults in Maine.

If you would like to request copies of the RADAR card, please contact Jill Randall at