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2021 Elder Abuse Summit

The 2021 Elder Abuse Summit was held on May 11 and May 13, 2021.


Speaker Biographies


Collateral Damage:  Elder Abuse and the Opioid Epidemic - Pamela B. Teaster, Ph.D., Professor and Director, Center for Gerontology, and Karen A. Roberto, Ph.D., University Distinguished Professor; Director, Institute for Society, Culture and the Environment; and Senior Fellow, Center for Gerontology

How the Opioid Crisis is Impacting Maine's Older Adults - Panel of experts moderated by Pamela B. Teaster, Ph.D. and including:  Vanessa Madore, Maine Savings Federal Credit Union; Kimberly Snow, Muskie School of Public Service; Sgt. Wade Betters, Bangor Police Department; and Keri Kapaldo, St. Joseph Hospital.  Please click here to view the full report.

Increased Risk for Elder Abuse Among LGBTQ Community - Dr. Bonnie Olsen and Sherrill Wayland


May 11, 2021 Recording 

Access Passcode: 6g%p.2ge


May 13, 2021 Recording 

Access Passcode: b0zB^Y$.