Family Crisis Services


Family Crisis Services’ mission is to provide programs which focus on individual advocacy and safety for domestic violence victims and their children, to work for and encourage institutional change to assign responsibility for abusive behavior to the perpetrators, and to change the cultural values which perpetuate and support domestic violence through community education.

General Description of Services:

FCS provides safe and accessible services to all people affected by domestic violence regardless of race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender, age, primary language spoken, or immigration status. Our core service is our free, confidential, anonymous 24-hour hotline to people in living in or leaving abusive relationships, struggling with a former partner, and concerned friends, family members, neighbors, etc. We operate an emergency shelter for people fleeing abuse and violence, transitional services, support and education groups, and safety planning, advocacy, support and assistance with legal matters including Protection from Abuse Orders. We offer specialized support services on issues as elder abuse and human trafficing. We work in the systems of child protective services and local jails and prisons. We engage in consultation and case assessment with all law enforcement agencies in Cumberland County. In an effort to prevent future violence, we provide extensive community education, consultation, training, and systems change advocacy to the general public and to youth through our Young Adult Abuse Prevention Program.

Area Served: Cumberland County, Maine

Contact Person:
Rebecca Hobbs, Executive Director
(207) 767-4952


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